(因為滴露成分chloroxylenol對寵物有害、漂白水對人體有害) 價格便宜,一瓶150粒可以開150 加侖消毒液!
成份:Alkyl (C14 95%, C12 3%, C16 2%) - Dimethyl Benzyl 68424-85-1 Ammonium Chloride Dihydrate (Quaternary Ammonium Compound) 50%; Other Ingredients (proprietary) 50% 使用方法:1粒以1加侖(約3.8公升) 清水稀釋。每瓶150粒。如果想消毒效果更強可以用2粒以1加侖(約3.8公升) 清水稀釋。 請單獨使用,切勿與其他清潔產品一起使用。不可以用來洗衫,因為有可能會令到衣服退色。
Steramine 1-g Sanitizing Tablets - used by restaurants & Bars worldwide! Commercial strength but also makes a great economical household sanitizer! Just 1 tablet per gallon of water! Odor free, non corrosive, does not irritate the skin ! may also be applied with a clean cloth or sponge. Works great in kitchens & bathrooms! Can be sprayed on food processing equipment, sinks, Countertops, cabinets, refrigerators, stovetops, cutting boards, and all other non-porous articles and surfaces.
現貨 |
1瓶, 一盒6瓶 |