德國Profertil for Women,56粒膠囊,Lenus Pharma(德國代購3週) 德國代購German purchasing agent
德國Profertil for Women,56粒膠囊,Lenus Pharma(德國代購3週) 德國代購German purchasing agent

德國Profertil for Women,56粒膠囊,Lenus Pharma(德國代購3週)

$1,598.00 $980.00

德國代購3星期: Profertil for Women 56粒

Profertil for Women 56粒


Germany Profertil for Women, 56 Capsules, Lenus Pharma (German purchasing agent for 3 weeks)

方法:每日1粒軟膠囊和1片,隨餐或空腹服用。優選地,片劑應始終與軟膠囊一起服用。如有其他問題,請諮詢您的醫生。給藥時間:在您嘗試懷孕期間和預期懷孕開始之前,應使用 PROfertil 女性。重要警告:在醫療監督下使用。首次使用產品前或更改推薦的使用說明時,請諮詢您的醫生。不完整的營養食品不能用作唯一的營養來源。介紹: 56 粒膠囊

Administration method: Take 1 soft capsule and 1 tablet daily with or without food. Preferably, the tablet should always be taken with the soft capsule. For further questions, consult your doctor. Duration of administration: PROfertil female should be used while you are trying to get pregnant and until the beginning of the desired pregnancy. Important warnings: Use under medical supervision. Consult your doctor before using the product for the first time or when changing the recommended instructions for use. Incomplete nutritious foods are not intended for use as the sole source of nutrition. Presentation: 56 capsules

Additional Information

Profertil for Women 56粒